Advent of code - Day 5


Given a list of lines e.g. count how many points on the line overlap.

A line is specified as a pair of points

e.g. 645,570 -> 517,570

The easiest way to model the problem is as a Line class composed of a pair of Points

@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True, order=True)
class Point:
    x: int
    y: int

@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
class Line:
    start: Point

Then the Line class implements the function property points as follows

    def points(self):
        if self.horizontal:
            return [Point(x, self.start.y)
                    for x in range(min([self.start.x, self.stop.x]),
                                   max([self.start.x, self.stop.x]) + 1)
        elif self.vertical:
            return [Point(self.start.x, y)
                    for y in range(min([self.start.y, self.stop.y]),
                                   max([self.start.y, self.stop.y]) + 1)

            sorted_points = sorted([self.start, self.stop], key=lambda p: p.x)
            y_step = 1 if sorted_points[0].y < sorted_points[1].y else -1
            y = sorted_points[0].y
            points = list()
            for x in range(sorted_points[0].x, sorted_points[1].x + 1):
                point = Point(x, y)
                y += y_step

            return points

Part 1

The solution is just counting how may points overlap. For this we use a Counter after filtering for horizontal and vertical lines, for part 1.

def day5_1(vents):
    return quantify(Counter([point
                             for line in vents
                             for point in line.points
                             if (line.horizontal or line.vertical)
                    lambda item: item[1] > 1

Part 2

def day5_2(vents):
    return quantify(Counter([point
                             for line in vents
                             for point in line.points
                    lambda item: item[1] > 1